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Rosa María Sánchez Yebra Alonso
Independent director.
Born in Ourense. Commercial Technician and State Economist. Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Santiago de Compostela with an Extraordinary Degree and Doctorate Award. Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the Instituto de Empresa (IE Business School) in Madrid.
Professional background.
In 1999, she joined the Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists and since then, her career has been linked to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Initially, at the General Directorate of the Treasury and Financial Policy as head of Multilateral Financial Institutions, later becoming the Secretary General of the institution. Subsequently, she joined the Cabinet of the Minister of Finance as an Advisor responsible for the Delegated Commission for Economic Affairs. In 2002, she was appointed Director of the Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Economy, a position she held until 2004. During those years, she was a member of the Board of Directors of numerous companies and public bodies, including ICO, Cesce, Icex, Segipsa, Sepi, and FNMT. Between 2004 and 2009, she was the Chief Economic and Commercial Advisor at the Embassy of Spain in Romania. In December 2011, she was appointed Director of the Cabinet of the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness (2011-2014), taking on, among other responsibilities, the coordination of the execution of the ESM financial rescue programme for the Spanish financial system, on which the financial stability of the eurozone depended.
Between 2014 and 2016, she was the Secretary General of the Treasury and Financial Policy, Advisor to the Bank of Spain, the CNMV, the FROB, and Vice President of the FGD. During her tenure, the Treasury made the first issuance of Treasury Bills with negative interest, which was later extended to longer terms, a milestone in the history of public treasury financing. As Secretary of the Treasury, she was a full member for Spain on the influential Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) of the European Union, which prepares the Eurogroup and Ecofin, attending the meetings of these two European Councils as Deputy to the Minister. Internationally, she has also been an Alternate Governor at the EIB and G-20 and a full member of the Financial Stability Board (FSB).
From 2017 until the end of 2021, she held the position of Vice Governor for Social Development Strategy at the Council of Europe Development Bank based in Paris, being the first woman to hold that position in the 60 years of the institution.
In November 2021, she was appointed as a Member of the Board of Directors of Abanca Corporación Bancaria. She is also an Independent Advisor and chair of the Audit Committee of Pharmamar.