Relevant Facts until 08/02/2020
Spanish regualtion obliges security issuers to publish in their websites the relevant facts that have been reported until 08/02/2020 to the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
The relevant facts in this website correspond exactly to those reported by ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A. to the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
Title | Date | Document |
Information concerning the payment of dividend | 04-02-2020 | 2020-02-04-informacion-pago-dividendo-en |
Title | Date | Document |
Capital prudential requirements demanded by the European Central Bank for 2020 | 09-12-2019 | 2019-12-09-requerimientos-prudenciales-capital-2020-bce-en |
Information concerning the payment of dividend | 28-10-2019 | 2019-10-28-informacion-pago-dividendo-en |
The company announces the merger with Banco Caixa Geral, S.A. | 14-10-2019 | 2019-10-14-fusion-caixa-geral-en |
S&P rating of mortgage bonds | 04-10-2019 | 2019-10-04-calificacion-cedulas-sp-en |
Moody´s rating of mortgage bonds | 01-10-2019 | 2019-10-01-calificacion-cedulas-moodys-en |
Rating by Moody´s | 01-10-2019 | 2019-10-01-calificacion-crediticia-moodys-en |
The company disclosed information on the establishment of the economic terms of a subordinated bond issuance (Fixed Rate Reset Subordinated Notes) | 26-09-2019 | 2019-09-26-emision-bonos-subordinados-en |
Rating by S&P | 10-09-2019 | 2019-09-10-calificacion-crediticia-sp-en |
DBRS Ratings rating of mortgage bonds | 30-07-2019 | 30-07-2019-calificacion-crediticia-cedulas-dbrs-en |
Information concerning the payment of dividend | 29-07-2019 | 2019-07-29-informacion-pago-dividendo-en |
The company informs on the results of the first semester of 2019 | 29-07-2019 | 2019-07-29-informacion-resultados-primer-semestre-en |
Rating by DBRS | 18-07-2019 | 2019-07-18-calificacion-crediticia-dbrs-en |
The company details the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 10th June 2019 | 10-06-2019 | 2019-06-10-detalle-acuerdos-junta-general-ordinaria-accionistas-en |
The company announces the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 10th June 2019 | 10-06-2019 | 2019-06-10-acuerdos-junta-general-ordinaria-accionistas-en |
Minimum requirement of own funds and eligible liabilities | 10-05-2019 | 2019-05-10-requisito-minimo-fp-en |
Communication of the take-over merger between ABANCA (as absorbing company) and ABANCA Holding (as absorbed company) | 29-04-2019 | 2019-04-29-fusion-abanca-holding-en |
Information concerning the payment of dividend | 29-04-2019 | 2019-04-29-informacion-pago-dividendos-en |
The company informs on the Individual Annual Accounts for 2018 | 26-03-2019 | 2019-03-26-cuentas-anuales-individuales-en |
The company informs on the Consolidated Annual Accounts for 2018 | 26-03-2019 | 2019-03-26-cuentas-anuales-consolidadas-en |
The company submits the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2018 | 26-03-2019 | 2019-03-26-informe-anual-gobierno-corporativo-en |
Fitch Ratings rating of mortgage bonds | 22-03-2019 | 2019-03-22-rating-cedulas-hipotecarias-fitch-ratings-en |
Rating by Fitch Ratings | 19-03-2019 | 2019-03-19-calificacion-crediticia-fitch-ratings-en |
Standard & Poor's rating of mortgage bonds | 18-03-2019 | 2019-03-18-calificacion-crediticia-standard-poors-en |
Announcement related to Liberbank | 26-02-2019 | 2019-02-26-comunicacion-renuncia-liberbank-en |
Requirement by CNMV | 25-02-2019 | 2019-02-25-publicacion-requerimiento-en |
Announcement in relation to the news published in the press about Liberbank | 22-02-2019 | 2019-02-22-noticias-prensa-liber-en |
Information from the media | 22-02-2019 | 2019-02-22-informacion-prensa-liber-en |
The CNMV has decided to lift the suspension of negotiations of ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A., with effect from 11:15 am on 22/02/2019 | 22-02-2019 | 2019-02-22-levantamiento-suspension-negociacion-en |
The CNMV has decided to suspend, as a precautionary measure, the negotiations of ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A. | 22-02-2019 | 2019-02-22-suspension-negociacion-en |
Prudential capital requirements for 2019 required by the European Central Bank | 11-02-2019 | 2019-02-11-requerimientos-prudenciales-capital-en |
Information concerning the payment of dividend | 04-02-2019 | 2019-02-04-informacion-pago-dividendo-en |
The company disclosed information on the establishment of the economic terms of a TIER 2 subordinated bond issuance | 11-01-2019 | 2019-01-11-bonos-subordinados-en |
Title | Date | Document |
Information concerning the payment of dividend | 30-10-2018 | 2018-10-30-informacion-pago-dividendo-en |
Rating by Standard & Poor´s | 02-10-2018 | 2018-10-02-calificacion-crediticia-sp-en |
Reshuffling of Governing Bodies | 24-09-2018 | 2018-09-24-reorganizacion-organos-gobierno-en |
The Bank discloses information on the establishment of the economic terms for a perpetual bond issue with a principal reduction mechanism | 24-09-2018 | 2018-09-24-emision-bonos-perpetuos-en |
The company informs on the results of the first semester of 2018 | 30-07-2018 | 2018-07-30-cuentas-anuales-en |
Information concerning the payment of dividends | 27-07-2018 | 2018-07-27-informacion-pago-dividendo-en |
Rating by DBRS | 19-07-2018 | Rating by DBRS |
The company announces the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 25th June 2018 | 25-06-2018 | 2018-06-25-acuerdos-junta-general-ordinaria-accionistas-en |
The company announces a new rating (CRR) by Moody´s Investor Service | 11-06-2018 | 2018-06-11-rating-crr-moodys-en |
ABANCA reports the appointment of Leticia Iglesias Herraiz as a new independent director | 28-05-2018 | 2018-05-28-nombramiento-leticia-iglesias-herraiz-en |
Rating by Moody´s Investors Service | 25-05-2018 | 2018-05-25-calificacion-crediticia-moodys-en |
Communication on the chairmanship of the Board of Directors | 03-05-2018 | 2018-05-03-comunicacion-presidencia-consejo-administracion-en |
Information concerning the payment of dividends | 27-04-2018 | 2018-04-27-informacion-pago-dividendo-en |
The company informs on the Individual Annual Accounts and on the Consolidated Annual Accounts for 2017 | 19-04-2018 | 2018-04-19-cuentas-anuales-en |
Standard & Poor's rating of mortgage bonds | 11-04-2018 | 2018-04-11-calificacion-crediticia-cedulas-hipotecarias-standard-poors-en |
Fitch Ratings rating of mortgage bonds | 11-04-2018 | 2018-04-11-calificacion-crediticia-cedulas-hipotecarias-fitch-ratings-en |
Rating by Standard & Poor´s | 06-04-2018 | 2018-04-06-calificacion-crediticia-standard-poors-en |
Rating by Fitch Ratings | 27-03-2018 | Rating by Fitch Ratings |
The entity purchases Deutsche Bank PCC Portugal | 27-03-2018 | The entity purchases Deutsche Bank PCC Portugal |
The company submits the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2017 | 20-03-2018 | 2018-03-20-informe-anual-gobierno-corporativo-en |
Information concerning the payment of dividends. | 29-01-2018 | 2018-01-29-informacion-pago-dividendo-en |
Title | Date | Document |
Capital prudential requirements demanded by the European Central Bank for 2018 | 14-12-2017 | ECB Prudential Requirements |
Information concerning the payment of dividends | 30-10-2017 | Information concerning the payment of dividends |
The company informs on the results of the first semester of 2017 | 28-7-2017 | On the results of the 1S 2017 |
The company publishes a reshuffle of the Board of Directors | 26-6-2017 | Board of Directors reshuffle |
The company announces the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 26th June 2017 | 26-6-2017 | General Meeting of Shareholders' resolutions |
Rating by Moody's | 10-5-2017 | Rating by Moody's |
ABANCA announced the purchase of all shares of Popular Servicios Financieros, E.F.C., S.A.U. from Banco Popular Español, S.A | 2-5-2017 | Buying of Popular Servicios Financieros, EFC, SAU |
Information concerning the payment of dividends | 24-4-2017 | Information concerning the payment of dividends |
The company informs on the Individual Annual Accounts and on the Consolidated Annual Accounts for 2016 | 12-4-2017 | Presentation of Anual Accounts |
Governing bodies reshuffle | 10-4-2017 | Governing bodies reshuffle |
Standard & Poor's rating of mortgage bonds | 7-4-2017 | S&P's rating of mortgage bonds |
The company submits the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2016 | 3-3-2017 | Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2016 |
Standard & Poor's rating of mortgage bonds | 27-2-2017 | S&P's rating of mortgage bonds |
Credit rating by Standard & Poor's | 9-2-2017 | Credit rating by Standard & Poor's |
Information concerning the payment of dividends | 2-2-2017 | Information concerning the payment of dividends |
Complement to the Relevant Fact of 25th January 2017 | 26-1-2017 | Complement to information on floor clauses |
Answer to CNMV's requirement on the impact of "floor clauses" in the ABANCA's 2016 accounts | 25-1-2017 | Impact of floor clauses |
Title | Date | Document |
EBA Transparency exercise release | 2-12-2016 | EBA Transparency exercise |
Minimum capital requirements for 2017 | 1-12-2016 | Capital prudential requirements 2017 |
Fitch Ratings rating of mortgage bonds | 4-11-2016 | Fitch Ratings rating of mortgage bonds |
Standard & Poor’s rating of mortgage bonds | 27-10-2016 | Standard & Poor’s rating of mortgage bonds |
Credit rating by Standard & Poor's | 25-10-2016 | Credit rating by Standard & Poor's |
ABANCA reports the appointment of Eduardo Eraña Guerra as a new independent director | 25-10-2016 | Appointment of Eduardo Eraña |
The company informs on the results of the first semester of 2016 | 20-9-2016 | On the results of the 1S 2016 |
The company announces the reorganization of its governing bodies | 27-6-2016 | The company announces the reorganization of its governing bodies |
The company announces the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 27th June 2016 | 27-6-2016 | The company announces the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 27th June 2016 |
Complement to the Relevant Fact 239673 | 13-6-2016 | Complement to the Relevant Fact 239673 |
The company submits information regarding the sale of a loan portfolio | 13-6-2016 | The company submits information regarding the sale of a loan portfolio |
Information concerning the payment of dividends | 29-4-2016 | Information concerning the payment of dividends |
The company submits information regarding the results of the second half of 2015 | 29-4-2016 | Information on 2S 2015 Results |
The company submits the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2015 | 1-4-2016 | Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2015 |
ABANCA reports the appointment of Ignacio Sánchez-Asiaín Sanz as a new independent director. | 1-2-2016 | Appointment of Ignacio Sánchez-Asiaín Sanz |
Title | Date | Document |
Capital prudential requirements demanded by the European Central Bank for 2016 | 24-12-2015 | Capital prudential requirements ECB 2016 |
Standard & Poor’s rating of mortgage bonds | 9-12-2015 | Standard & Poor’s rating of mortgage bonds |
Revision of credit rating by Standard & Poor’s | 3-12-2015 | Revision of credit rating by Standard & Poor’s |
Form for the notification of the originating member state | 1-12-2015 | Form for notification of member state |
Communication of core capital CET1 fully loaded by June 2015 | 26-11-2015 | Communication of core capital CET1 fully loaded June 2015 |
Publishing of the EBA’s transparency exercise | 24-11-2015 | Publishing of EBA transparency exercise |
ABANCA’s rating (DBRS) | 30-9-2015 | ABANCA’s rating (DBRS) |
The company informs on the results of the first semester of 2015 | 14-8-2015 | On the results of the 1S 2015 |
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 30th June 2015 | 30-6-2015 | Resolutions of Annual General Meeting 30-6-2015 |
ABANCA’s rating (upgrading of BCA by Moody's Investors Service) | 17-6-2015 | ABANCA’s rating (upgrading of BCA by Moody's Investors Service) |
Call of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders | 29-5-2015 | Call of the Annual General Meeting |
Notice of the upgrading by Standard & Poor's of the rating of ABANCA’s mortgage bonds | 27-4-2015 | Upgrading by Standard & Poor's of the rating of ABANCA’s mortgage bonds |
ABANCA informs that Standard & Poor's has upgraded the entity’s long term issuer rating | 22-4-2015 | Standard & Poor's upgraded the entity’s long term issuer rating |
Correction of the information in relevant fact 221609 of 22 April 2015, which is rendered null and void | 22-4-2015 | Correction of the information in relevant fact 221609 |
ABANCA informs of the upgrading by Standard & Poor's of the entity’s long term issuer rating | 22-4-2015 | Upgrading by Standard & Poor's of the entity’s long term issuer rating |
The entity informs of the modification of the composition of the Credit Committee | 8-4-2015 | Modification of composition of Credit Committee |
Rating of ABANCA Mortgage bonds (Fitch Ratings) | 7-4-2015 | Rating of ABANCA Mortgage bonds (Fitch Ratings) |
Fitch Ratings upgrades the viability rating of ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A. | 1-4-2015 | Fitch Ratings upgrades the viability rating of ABANCA |
The company submits the Annual Report on Corporate Governance for 2014 | 2-3-2015 | Annual Report on Corporate Governance for 2014 |
Revision of the rating of mortgage bonds by Standard & Poor's (corrigendum) | 5-2-2015 | Revision of the rating of mortgage bonds by Standard & Poor's (corrigendum) |
Revision of the rating of mortgage bonds by Standard & Poor’s | 5-2-2015 | Revision of rating of mortgage bonds by Standard & Poor’s |
You may also access below the official records of the CNMV to consult the relevant facts pertaining to ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A.